: Globus HF0621

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Welcome This is the web site set up for the Globus tour HF0621. I hope you all enjoy this page. If anyone would like something added please contact me and I'll see what I can do.

Joe Muse


To add photos or view other photos click on the button to the left titled Photos. This will take you to Yahoo. I set up a Globus HF0621 account. To log in use the following:

Yahoo! ID: globushf0621
Password : America

Remember all the above is case sensitive so if you type america instead it will not allow you to log in etc.. After you log in you can create your own photo album by first and last name, or view others. To add photos to your photo album you will have to install a small program that will allow you to browse your computer. This program is non-invasive, and makes uploading very simple. Yahoo will lead you right through it. If anyone has any questions I will try to help. The way the page is set up, you can order prints online, or you can save them to your own computer and take them and have prints made. The E-mail list is the list of emails for everyone. Contact me is to e-mail me. If you do not have your computer configured to launch your e-mail, then just e-mail me at Xanthlore@yahoo.com Either way you can reach me. I may add a message board to make it easier for everyone to communicate.


Vanda the Vonderful

Globus Tour Essential Europe

June 2005

She is the most “super-duper” wonderful guide

Of that you can be sure

She helped us fall in love with Italy, Switzerland, France & England

On the Essential Europe Tour

She handled this motley crew - she did well

From California, Michigan, CT, AZ and Nashville, too

From as far as Boston, Colorado, Ohio

Arkansas, Miami & Kentucky blue

Roamin’ through Rome and Venice

Just wouldn’t be the same

That glassblower’s tight pants were a hit

Cruisin’ on the gondolas we were quite tame

And on and on we went from town to town

Sometimes we slept or talked

“Wakey wakey” she’d say when we came to something good

And our feet they just walked and walked

She urged us at times – don’t fall asleep

You paid lots for this trip she bid

And promised not to “chew our ears off”

But we loved it when she did

From pee pee stops and zipper cross walks

And strong words about those gypsies, oh dear

Just kick them and hit them she did bid

If they get close to you or quite near

Rome, the Vatican and words on the late pope

He held on as long as he could

Don’t make eye contact with the drivers in Rome

Or they’ll kill you on their hoods

Mi excusi is what she taught us

Move a bit “sharpish” if you please

Wakey wakey again to get our attention

No more sleepy - she did tease

She passed us on to Chincea, Sergio and Andreas

But it just wasn’t quite the same

They gave us facts and lots of info

But Vanda made us happy to know we came

And Switzerland – how awe inspiring

The Alps and all their grandeur

The fields had some smelly stuff though

“Ichy pooh” as she described the manure

Boy did that Dave, Maggy & Sheila

Yodel away the hour

Lee could surely blow that funny horn

We exhibited some Alpine power

One story we weren’t quite sure of

The cow dressed up in the lead

With flowers all around him

That one more explanation we did need

So we hope we didn’t take the “mickey” out of you

Bonjourno, Cheerio, Ciao and How do you do?

Absolutely “stupendous” for sure

Is what we think of you

She told us about the best optional activities

And represents “the company” quite well

She’s “absolutely gorgeous” to us

She’s the finest guide - pray tell

She said Paris is very beautiful

With oodles and oodles of charm

She puts her party dress on at night

But some people smell under their arms

And what’s that “silly money”

The “plebs” and so much more

The lion embedded in the pig, Eiffel tower

Arc de Triomphe and Parisienne stores

The Moulin Rouge she told us about

If you don’t like it there’s something wrong

Some skin we did surely see there

How do they dance in those sparkly thongs?

We didn’t get to see those Moroccan restaurants

With the “hubbly-bubbly” pipes, too

She got so very hungry one night

Scabby cats she could eat - it’s true

Vanda – she’s “absolutely gorgeous”

A finer guide there is not for sure

You’ve touched the hearts of 45 on HF0621

You made this quite the “super duper” wonderful of tours!!!!

We luv Vanda and Dominco, too



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Built Xanthlore Designs.